mercredi 5 octobre 2011

Dicipline in Islamic Boarding School

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  • In of my plenty time after studing with DR. Amru Wardani (Director of Ifta in Egypt), I want to spread my experience since living in our beloved cottage al-Ghozali, we are proud with being of santri, every time always concent only for reading and studing there is no another thing, because in this place there some special regulation to make every santri become regulated one, and how to manage time.

    Of course we have been managed in here, and our daily activity have been controlled, but now when we have gone or graduated from here will we manage our time again?, now, no one will be angry to us, no one will command to do some thing, no one will control us, our responsibility is in our own hand, we are now student of university have many duties and many burdens, so do not waste our time.

    We are from Islamic boarding school and we will dedicate our live for Indonesians, so wherever we live only just know that we have cultural of our belove country "INDONESIA". We hope our country will be growth and do not be hopeless because God does not like people just hope without acting.

    Always hope your critic in my writing, because it is just for remembering my english, thank's..

    By: Salis Fitrowan Lc

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